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Monday, October 10, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 41:52

Up over mountains, down into valleys, through tunnels and over bridges, thousands and thousands of miles of iron track snake through our country from east to west and north to south.

When the first tracks were laid with blood, sweat, and tears in the early 1800's it was the beginning of the transportation revolution. Although the railroads grew gradually at first, they produced rapid growth of cities and towns; some of which are only ghost towns today.

By the mid-1900's the railroads were experiencing their heyday and would forever be a symbol of America's progress.

For most of us, the iron horses have faded far from our daily lives. Yet, whenever we hear that whistle blow we're transported back in time.

Railway museums like The Historic Railpark in Bowling Green, KY help keep the romance of the rails alive for the next generation. The museum is housed in the L&N Depot and includes tours of the E-8 engine and five rail cars.

My favorite, hands down, was the Railway Post Office car (RPO). It was the first time my Dreamer and I had ever seen one and it really is a neat piece of history.

This particular rail car's history was made all the more endearing by the story of Owney, Mascot of the Railway Mail Service. Owney traveled all over the US and even to Asia and Europe on trains and steamships protecting the mailbags. In the US he was considered a good luck charm as no train Owney rode was ever in a wreck.

Touring the old rail cars is interesting but it's the human (and canine) aspect that really brings history to life!

While it may be the romance of the rails that draws us in, it's important we don't gloss over the, sometimes, harsh realities of our nation's history. What I appreciated about this museum was that it presented all aspects of life on the rails. From the rich socialites to the hobos to the black servants employed by the railways, the museum shared their stories.

I believe the stories from our past, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes tragic are vital to our future.

Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. 
~George Santayana

What part of history fascinates you the most?

Have a wonder-filled day,

In an effort to honor Lisa's Autumn Colors Photography Challenge, I'm sharing a pic of these mini pumpkins, textured with Kim's autumnburst texture.

Happy Fall, y'all!

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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