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Friday, June 2, 2017

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 22:52

Hello, friends!

I'm a little late posting this week due to my #ReadUpstream post from yesterday. If you're interested in what I'm reading this month, click through and have a look.

There has been a lot of activity around the cottage this week! Our cottonwood tree is in bloom. Which explains my runny nose and the intoxicating smell in our front yard!

Queen Butterfly

The Mockingbirds have been around with their babies the last few days. It's amazing how quickly they grow! They look just like mommy and daddy except for their speckled chests.

Here they are learning how to navigate the suet by themselves.

There have been a lot of cardinals around, too, with their families. This is a young female.

Items of interest can always be found if you're looking for them.

At least that's what this Carolina Wren tells me as he searches through the flower box for bugs to feed his mate. She is still sitting on a clutch of eggs.

Carolina Wren as taken through my living room window
Summer is here! Whoot-woot!

I hope you're staying cool like this male house finch!

What are you seeing through your lens this week?

Have a wonder-filled weekend, friends!

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June