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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 22

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

If your Bible has sub-titles, unlike mine, Psalm 22 may be labeled: The Suffering, Praise, and Posterity of the Messiah. In my Bible, I have handwritten: Suffering Servant.

Do you see your Savior in these verses?
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? (vs 1)
But I am a worm, not a man, abused by everyone, scorned by the people. (vs 6)
Regarding verses 11-21 Matthew Henry says:
Here is Christ suffering. David indeed was often in trouble, and beset with enemies; but many of the particulars here specified are such as were never true of David, and therefore must be appropriated to Christ in the depth of His humiliation.
Yet, even after all of this, the psalmist says, "May you always be in good heart!" Indeed, those of us who have experienced the righteous deeds of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ can, with a good heart, declare, "The Lord has acted!"

I hope you will take the time today to read through and meditate on the remaining psalms in today's reading. There is much encouragement to be had from these verses.

In all His promises the Lords keeps faith, He is unchanging in all His works;

Blessings on your Sabbath,

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