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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 21

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

At first glance, Psalm 21 may not seem applicable to our modern lives, far removed from kings and kingdoms. But we can learn much from King David. Not only from the chronicle of his life, recorded in previous books of the Bible but perhaps even more so from the Psalms written for and by him. For it is in the psalms where we see David's heart.

What do we see in Psalm 21? We see the powerful and anointed King David giving all the glory to God. His victories in battle, his rise to the kingship, everything David has or has accomplished he attributes to his Lord. 

This humility was not a one-time thing in David's life. It was a pattern and, I believe, his humility before God was one of the reasons God called him a man after His own heart.

The pattern of humility continues in Psalm 51. 
Against You only have I sinned and have done was displeases; (vs 4)
God, create a pure heart for me, and give me a new and steadfast spirit. (vs 10)
God, my sacrifice is a broken spirit; You, God, will not despise a chastened heart. (vs 17)
There are parts of Psalm 51 I pray often. I hope you will too.

In Psalm 81 we again find Asaph, one of David's lead musicians, praising God and speaking the cry of God's heart, "If My people would but listen to Me . . ." (vs 13) You can almost feel the anguish God must feel when His people ignore His word. It reminds me of Christ weeping over Jerusalem.

Psalm 111 is one to sing to Jesus and holds a hidden gem:
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and they who live by it grow in understanding. (vs 10)
Finally, Psalm 141 holds a prayer that many of us might find beneficial to pray often:
Lord, set a guard on my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips, (vs 3)
Praise the Lord! With all my heart I shall give thanks to the Lord. Great are the works of the Lord. His deeds are full of majesty and wonder; His righteousness stands sure for ever. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


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