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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 26

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

As I sit down to pray Psalm 26 I stumble over the second part of verse one. 
Lord, uphold my cause, for I have led a blameless life.
The truth is, I haven't led a blameless life. Every day I fail to meet the standard set forth in God's word. I fight the flesh every day. Sometimes it wins. That's the truth.

But there is also this truth:

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Rom 8:1)
His mercy and grace are given every time we ask. Every time we repent of our sin, again we are redeemed. And, although we may remember our sins (and continually beat ourselves up over them), God does not. That is part of the magic and mystery of Christ's sacrifice. Once we confess our sins it is like they never happened. God remembers them no more.

That is why we, along with David, can truly pray, Lord, uphold my cause, for I have led a blameless life!

Psalm 56 is another psalm that has held great comfort for me. Have you ever been wounded by the words of another? (vs 5) It's awe-inspiring to think about, but God cares, even about these seemingly small hurts. He takes note of our grief and records every tear. (vs 8) Why would God, the Creator of the universe do this? Because,

There is nothing little in God;
His steadfast love is like Himself - 
it is infinite. You cannot measure it.
~ C.H. Spurgeon

The remaining three psalms hold great comfort for us, as well as words to praise our Lord, Who is most worthy to be praised. I'll highlight just a few of the verses I have underlined in my Bible.
Lord, teach me Your way, that I may walk in Your truth. Let me worship Your name with undivided heart. (Psalm 86:11) 
My heart, be at peace once more, for the Lord has granted you full deliverance. (Psalm 116:7)
Praise the Lord. As long as I live I shall praise the Lord; I shall sing psalms to my God all my life long. (Psalm 146:2)


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