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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Inspired by... serendipity

Welcome to another...


I hope everyone had a great week!  Mine flew by at a rather alarming speed... but I did find some unexpected and wonderful things to share with you!



This 36" high cutting/craft table at Joann's for $80 – delivered!!

If you've been following me on Pinterest, you know I've been collecting ideas for my (someday-hope-to-have) craft room.  Hubby was planning a build-out on the shed we have in our backyard and I was thinking the day would be sooner than later, but things are on hold right now.

Bec, over at Little Lucy Lu had some great ideas for a DIY craft table, which had been my plan all along (the DIY part). However, now that it looks like I'll be working out of my bedroom for the foreseeable future, I need a table I can fold up and store away once in a while. (Yeah, right. Like the surface will ever be clear enough to do that!) And one that is much higher off the floor, to make my back happy.

So why is this find unexpected and wonderful? Because after doing some research on line, the cheapest one I could find was $140, including free shipping. (This table at Joann's was originally $150 when I looked at it last week) I was getting ready to place the order for the $140 table when I decided to consult with my friend M.E. about the table height. She had a Joann's circular that showed this table for $79.99. When I went on line to compare it with the other tables I'd found, it was on sale for $69.99! Whoot! and is basically the same table I found for $140 elsewhere. Whoot – whoot! 



Jan Karon's Mitford Series.

I had read Karon's Mitford series back in '94-'96 when they were first released, but somehow my mom had missed them. She recently picked book one up at a yard sale and asked me to find the rest of the series for her. Since it had been (gasp!) 17 years since I'd read the series I decided to re-read them as she finished with them. Karon's story is still as witty and charming as it was the first time around. I'm enjoying them immensely... and I didn't expect to!

The other thing I discovered is that Karon started another series about Father Tim.  The second book, In the Company of Others, was released last October (hardcover). The paperback version is due out at the end of this month. Perfect timing.


If you've read the Mitford series, you may be interested to know that this book, In the Company of Others, is about a trip to Ireland, which Father Tim and Cynthia take after learning some shocking interesting things about Father Tim's family in the previous novel, Home to Holly Springs. Karon went to Ireland in person to do the research for this novel, and I'm looking forward to reading it.



...in watching the swallow babies grow.

It's hard to get a picture of all three, they hide down in the nest whenever I come out onto the patio.  I captured this shot right after mamma had been to the nest to feed them. Can you believe how fast they're growing! It was only last week that I shared with you about baby number three! He's the one in the middle, you can tell he was born a few days after the other two.

And finally, I don't have a picture for you, but there was a lavender sunset last night. {sigh}  They are usually red or creamsicle orange around these parts. It's not often you get to see that lovely shade as the blue changes to red. It was dreamy.

So what serendipitous finds did you have this week?




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