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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Inspired by... towers


I've always dreamed of living in a house with a turret. Specifically one where the interior walls were lined with bookshelves, but we'll put that part of the fantasy aside for another day.




My current fantasy involves adding a turret to the back corner of our living room.




Easy, right?  Um, yeah, right... that is so not going to happen!

While you may think my fantasy "positively medieval", turret rooms have remained popular, certainly through the Victorian era and even in today's architecture.




Admittedly, for me, the stone facade conjures a more romantic setting of damsels and knights than this beautiful Victorian, but romance is not the only thing these structures bring to mind.


Strength and Refuge


"The name of the Lord is a tower of strength,

where the righteous may run for refuge." Psalm 18:10

Our Pastor asked us this week, "Where do you seek shelter from the storms of life?" Good question. I think we often run to things or to people that make us feel safe. We quickly learn that feeling doesn't always = fact.

Only God alone can truly shelter us from life's storms.


Just like the turrets of old, God can be our refuge. He can be trusted to keep us safe and defend us against our enemy.

"In God I trust and shall not be afraid; what can mortals do to me?" Psalm 56:11


I say "can be" because we have to let Him. Our Pastor's wife did a Woman's retreat a few years ago with the theme "Cease Striving and Know." I think there comes a time in almost every circumstance, certainly in every test or trial where we have to stop trying to accomplish, fix, change (you fill in the appropriate verb) and let God. And not only let Him, but trust Him.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10


Are you striving against a circumstance or person today? Cease striving and run. Run to the Lord, Who is our tower of refuge and strength. Trust in Him, believing that He has the situation well in-hand and under control, even when our feelings tell us otherwise.

"He will cover you with His wings; you will find refuge beneath His pinions.

His truth will be a shield and buckler." Psalm 91:4


If you're not currently facing a storm, chances are you will be soon, for...

Without trials there would be no triumph.

When it does happen I hope you'll remember these verses of hope and encouragement and seek God alone for shelter and victory.

"Thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Hebrews 15:57






Sharing inspiration here:



  1. Beautiful photos!

    Thankful that HE IS a strong tower. When life is crazy, and my strength fails, I can run to God as my refuge!

  2. Great word June!! Love your picture too...

    Hope you've had a great day♥

  3. Hi June,

    Visiting from Hear It on Sunday. I actually needed to hear this today (maybe everyday). I struggle too much sometimes and forget that God is all-in-all. thank you for sharing.

    Manifest Blog

  4. I love that God is our refuge & strength!

  5. HE is a strong tower.
    amen sista.

  6. So grateful for this reminder, June. I am indeed struggling against circumstance. I needed to read exactly what you had to say about trust and ceasing striving. Thank you!


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June