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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Inspired by... white


Hello everyone!  I know all of you have had "one of those weeks" (years?!) at one time or another. Last week (year) was definitely one for me! Thanks for your patience with the infrequent blog posts. I'm hoping that improves significantly in March!

I also made a change to my blog address recently and hope I didn't lose anyone!  If anyone reading this post got here through an email subscription, please drop me a comment or email! My redirect is showing as valid, but the previous site is coming up Not Found. Still trouble-shooting that situation...

Enough of the house-keeping, on to today's post.

This week's Texture Tuesday theme is centered around the color white. Since I posted about my beautiful white roses two weeks ago, and shared my wild rose gradient effect last week, I was running low on "white" material.

So, I decided to share with you some recent pictures I took in Johnson City, TX at the site of Lyndon Johnson's boyhood home.


Boyhood_Home Plaster-squared texture at multiply 100%


Boyhood_Home2 SOC


"For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him." (Col 1:16)


Boyhood_Home3 Serious Magic texture, screen 100%


That last shot looks "seriously" tilted to me, but I've decided the bench is crooked and throwing off my perspective. What do you think? Crooked bench, or crooked photographer? {smile}


In closing, I had some fun with Kim's texture dream on this rock cliff across the highway from the Lake LBJ overlook.


RockFace Dream texture, color burn 100%, then another layer using multiply blend 100%


I enjoyed visiting the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park Visitor Center. The gallery exhibit is very well done.  I look forward to returning in the spring to visit LBJ's ranch and Lady Bird's Wild Flower Center.

With all the rain we've been having, I'm hopeful for a vibrant Spring! If you're in the Texas Hill Country – stop by – it's worth the trip!








Sharing inspiration here:

kimklassencafe and then, she {snapped} Sweet Shot Day


  1. crooked bench.. but now you totall understand shooting photos with leading lines....:)

  2. Beautiful! It is definitely the bench that makes the shot appear tilted.

  3. Beautiful photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. What a charming house! That cliff looks gorgeous! Love the colors!


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June