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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Inspired by... 10 Truths


So what did everyone do with their "extra" day yesterday? Mine felt about like I'd packed a whole year into one day! At the end of the day I looked back and thought, "That was just this morning that I did that?!"  Proof that even if I had 730 days in a year, it would probably not be enough.

I definitely need to work on being more intentional with the time God has given me! Amen?

I mentioned earlier this year that I'm participating in Kim Klassen's Beyond Layers Class. It's "a year of art full inspiration!"   I'm really enjoying it, even though I haven't been able to participate at the same speed and level as the other participants. But with 52 weeks, there is definitely plenty of time for improvement!

This week's challenge was to share 10 Truths about ourselves and create a fun photo to go along. I decided to go with a collage or storyboard as my "picture", since that was a previous challenge I'd missed participating in.

I've never really been one of those introspective types, but, well, life changes you sometimes... I'm still working on Kim's "you in six words" challenge. Maybe by Christmas...



10 Truths About Me

1. Jesus is my best friend

2. I like to chase butterflies

3. Flowers make me happy

4. I like to be warm

5. I'm honest and try always to be kind

6. I love to cook

7. I like quiet

8. I like to read

9. I'm an author

10. I enjoy photography and other "creative" things

11. I'm a coffee snob... it doesn't have to be Starbucks, but it has to be good!

12. At 40 I'm learning what true love really is...

I followed Kim's example and listed more than ten. {smile} I could really identify with several of her "truths" and look forward to reading and learning more about the other participants. What a great way to get to know each other – thanks, Kim!

You don't have to be taking the Beyond Layers course to share 10 Truths about yourself! or even five! I'd love to know anything about you that you'd like to share, or maybe you identified with one of my truths?






Sharing inspiration here:



1 comment:

  1. Love your colourful storyboard ... I am with you on a lot of your truths ... great work ...


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June