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Monday, March 5, 2012

Inspired by... true love


I shared some "truths" with you last week. One of them prompted a response that has created some, well, difficulty for me.


At 40 I'm learning what true love really is...


This is true. But it's not a black and white statement. It has depth. Layers. Some of them joyful.

Some extremely painful.

But it's true. It's part of what I'm facing right now. And I was inspired to share it with you.


Aster_HappyHeart Using Kim Klassen's Happy Heart texture


"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (1Cor 13)


You can say these things about love. Believe these things about love. Try to live your life according to these truths about love. But, this side of heaven, we will fail. And people will fail us.

In both circumstances, it is my hope, that we learn a little bit more about what true love really is. Truly learn. As in: learning that changes thought and action. So that we make better choices, Godly choices in the words we speak and the things we do.

Certainly our failures have consequences. But there is forgiveness. And, by God's grace and mercy, we know that He will work even our failures (somehow in His awesome, powerful way) for our good and His glory.

Jesus is the perfect manifestation of 1 Corinthians 13.


Here's an example of true, selfless, love that I experienced this week:




Isn't he cute?!! He's a balloon penguin. Given to me by one of the young girls at my church. She's a sweet girl. I didn't ask her for him. But when she found out I collected penguins, she gave him to me.

It was more important for her to give, than to keep.


That's true love.


How are you experiencing true love in your life this week?








Sharing inspiration here:



  1. I am calling by from Favourite Photo Monday as another participant, cute penguin.

  2. Thanks for the visual of sacrificial love in the giving of the penguin balloons - to give to someone else because you know they will appreciate it. Great reminder to open our eyes to see love shown toward us and to love others!

  3. Beautiful post and photographs.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. I love how your edit makes the flower pop out. A wonderful post as well.

  5. Beautiful representation of love.

  6. Coming to you from Katie Lloyd's Scripture and a Snapshot.
    Our pastor spoke on this very subject on Sunday, noting how the LOVE chapter is the most important of the spiritual gifts.

  7. This is all so true...love is bitter and sweet and raw and real. And we will fail at it, as will others. But it's comforting to know God can use us even in those times!

    True love has come to me this week in the form of hugs and kisses and pictures from my two kids! :)

  8. Both the picture and your message are reaching out to my heart. I will stand still a few moments this hectic day and try to live love to the fullest.... oh, and buy fresh flowers...! Thank you for inspiring me.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June