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Monday, May 11, 2015

Inspired by . . . always near the cross: submission

Continuing the series.









Submission, I wonder if there is a more despised or misunderstood word in all of scripture.

Coming to a clear, Biblical understanding of what submission truly is changed my life. To me the word submission is synonymous with freedom. If that shocks you or gets your nightie in a knot, you may not have a Biblical understanding of submission. It’s not popular, or politically correct. But it is God’s way and His way will always bring us out of darkness into light.




Submission is key to the cross. It was key for Jesus, and it’s key for us if we wish to reside there with Him.

Submitting means accepting Christ, not just as our Savior, but as our Lord. Trusting Him with the plan and purpose of our life. Seeking His will, in all things. And, as we talked about last time, obeying His Word. The simple act of accepting and doing what He has told us to do is beautiful in His eyes.

Oh, this can be so hard, my friend! We can become so convinced that we know best. And sometimes, too, our view of God is wrong and we don’t trust Him as we should.

May I suggest a careful reading of the book of Job? Especially the last five chapters.

When we know not who is in the right, and are perhaps doubtful whether we ourselves are, God speaks forth and makes things clear.

But remember, friend, even as harshly as God spoke to Job and his friends, He did not force Job to submit. In the face of his all-powerful and mighty Creator, Job chose to submit.

God will guide you and light your path. He will show you the way to go and even walk it with you. But you must still choose to walk the path He has set out for you.

The path of submission tarries beneath the cross.



To God, our journey is as important as our destination.

He doesn't just wait for us at the next stop.

He travels every mile right beside us. ~Beth More






Sharing inspiration here:


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Holly Barrett

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