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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 26:52

We Texans are beginning to wonder if we were all kidnapped and relocated to Seattle. After ten {glorious} days of sunshine, we’re now back to 10+ days of rain. We have pretty much decided to give up on fixing our roads until November.

The cloudy days aren’t the best for photographing out-of-doors, but I’ve been playing {mostly} from the shelter of my porch.

The scissor-tailed flycatcher babies survived the storms of May, so a little June rain hasn’t deterred them in the least. Their parents have been chasing them from tree to tree, feeding them and teaching them to feed and preen. They’re quite vocal, but even when you can hear a bird, it’s not always easy to find them.

This first shot was taken the day after they fledged.




I was able to find three of the babies that day with the binoculars, but could only locate two with my camera lens. I could hear the fourth fledgling calling from another tree, and watched the parent fly to it with food, but never could put eyes on it.

A few days later, I was blessed to spot the family cavorting in the cedar tree in my front yard! It was raining, but I wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass by.






You can always tell when one of the parents is around, lol!






I could only find two of the fledglings, but the parents kept going to other parts of the tree with food, so I believe the other two there, I just couldn’t find them.


I love this shot of one of the parents because you can see just how long their tails really are!




All-in-all a successful nesting attempt! These two will have their hands full for the rest of the summer! I’m interested to see how quickly the little one’s tails will grow. Hopefully the next shots I share of the fledglings will be under sunny skies.


The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow






Sharing inspiration here:

Life Thru the Lens at Lisa Kerner-Simply Living Photography     Wild Bird Wednesday

NatureNotes    Our_World_Tuesday

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