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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 29:52


Summer has arrived in all her glory! After a pretty mild start, we’re starting to feel the heat here in south Texas. I do love to feel the sun baking into my skin. I know better than to stay out too long, though. The sun is only your friend up to a point.

It’s nice that our fields are still green, rather than the burnt brown that the Texas sun usually produces this time of year. The birds seem to enjoy the grasses too, especially when freshly mowed!

I thought the heat coming off the freshly mowed field created an interesting effect in this picture.




Another critter that has been enjoying the heat of summer is our Texas Spotted Whiptail.




Also known as the Common Spotted and the Eastern Spotted, I was delighted to find a pair playing in my flower bed this week. A cold-blooded animal, they like to stretch out on the rocks and absorb the heat.




The exciting news this week was the mockingbird’s fledge day on Monday. I posted pictures here.  I haven’t seen the little guy since, but finding a baby bird in all these trees is like finding a needle in a haystack. I have seen the scissor-tailed flycatcher babies around the area. They are still easy to spot with their shorter tails. I’ve seen some other flegdlings around too, so it’s been a good year for the birds.

This immature male Cardinal has been at the feeders nearly every evening for the past week.




The wren’s had a successful brood as well. Their young are appearing here and there, as they flitter about discovering their new world.  These are either Carolina Wrens or Bewick’s Wrens. I’m guessing Carolina Wrens because, although you can’t see it on this youngster, the adults have buff orange under-bellies. They are quite amusing to watch. Wren babies are about the cutest of all, I think.




And, finally, I have another first to share with you. I was sitting out on the porch last evening {getting eaten alive by mosquitoes} and suddenly a flock {six} birds flew into the top of our cottonwood tree. They were carrying on and making all kinds of noise. At first I thought cedar waxwings because of their behavior, but after zooming in with the camera they appear to be Western Kingbirds!




I saw one, lone, adult last year. This crew have the look of young birds to me. What do you think?




The crepe myrtles will be blooming all summer. I’ve only just begun taking pictures . . .



Textured with Mona’s Romance


What are you seeing through your lens this summer?




Sharing inspiration here:

Wild Bird Wednesday     NatureNotes

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