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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 13:52

We've had some beautiful, sunny days this past week. But a strong north wind, 30mph gusts at times, has made it uncomfortable to be out-of-doors. Early mornings and early evenings, when the wind is calmer, have been best.

We have more bluebonnets on the property this year - and I'm thrilled to see that they are reseeding and spreading out! I'm doing a wildflower series on my instagram, if you want to follow me there.

The black-chinned hummingbirds are back. So far I have two males and a female. If anyone has an angry bird meme, this little guy would win the prize!

Defending "his" territory, no doubt! Of course, the female is as sweet as can be.

The neighbor's horses were back this week. Looking longingly at our green pastures.

I planted some geraniums, very early, Easter morning. And then played with the camera for a bit as the sun was breaking through the clouds.

It was a beautiful, blessed morning.

I like to play with light and focus, and just see how the camera responds - - what it captures. These are new leaves on one of my rose bushes.

As I mentioned, it's been very windy. A few days ago I noticed two large birds soaring high over the property. They were quite far away, but I could tell they weren't vultures. It's unusual to see hawks together, so I think they might be a breeding pair. By zooming in on a couple of the other shots, I think they are red-tailed hawks. I can't be 100% sure, but that is a likely bet.

I've really been enjoying the female gold-fronted woodpecker. As I mentioned in a previous post, this is the first year the female has been around. So my little male has finally found a mate! I'm hoping they nest nearby and I can report baby bird sightings soon!

I like this picture because you can see  how she uses her beak to forage down under the bark for bugs.

The wildflowers are peaking early this year and there are tons of butterflies around!  No complaints here! These common buckeye butterflies are especially fun to stalk and capture. With my camera, of course!

So, what are you seeing
through your lens
this week?

Have a wonder-filled day,

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My Lens, Little Things Thursdays,
Bird D’pot, Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens, Wild Bird Wednesday,
Our World Tuesday, Community Global, Photo Friday

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