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Monday, May 1, 2017

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 18:52

Last week my Dreamer and I took some time to meander through some of the smaller town in Texas. We spent some time in Granbury. It's a lovely town with a beautiful town square. Lot's of fun shopping and delicious shrimp tacos!

We actually had a tornado warning while we were there and so we were keeping our eyes on the sky!

God put on quite a show and, thankfully, the worst of the weather went around us. 

Many of Texas' small towns boast impressive courthouses and Granbury is no exception.

The clocktower is impressive in its own right.

The next stop was Hico, Texas (pronounced HY-koh) where we found this gem of a back street awaiting us.

Hico, Texas
I love their town motto: "Where everybody is somebody!"

Then on to Hamilton County and another impressive courthouse.

Road trips are fun but I'm always glad to get home! where my sweet little hummers await!

Black-chinned Hummingbird and Mexican Bush Sage

Black-chinned Hummingbird
Our Gray Fox was back the other night and I was able to get some better pictures to share with you. Isn't he gorgeous!

I know there are a lot of pictures this week, but hopefully, you're still with me! 

As I was working at my desk the other day I kept hearing this sweet song outside my window. When I finally went to investigate I was thrilled to see an immature male Summer Tanager in the tree top!

These beauties are very hard to spot as they typically stay high in the canopy. They are bee and wasp specialists, catching the insects in midair and then killing them by beating them against a tree branch. Before eating a bee the Tanager will rub them against a branch to remove the stinger! Texas and the south-eastern states are a summer breeding ground for these neat birds.

Nest Update:
I didn't realize how short the Carolina Wren nesting period was - only 10-16 days! Needless to say, these wee ones grew fast and fledged before I had a chance to get more nest pictures.

Carolina Wren Fledgling
This is one of the two fledglings - almost as big as his parents already! But don't worry, another pair of wrens has started a nest in one of my birdhouses and I'll be sharing those pictures next week!

What are you seeing through your lens this week?

Have a wonder-filled day,

Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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