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Friday, October 20, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 20

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

Are you facing a battle today? Then Psalm 20 is for you. This psalm is the prayer of the king on the eve of battle. But you can make it your own. God is faithful.

Psalm 50 contains some verses that may challenge our understanding and view of God.
God, the Lord God, has spoken and summoned the world (vs 1)
When you have done these things, and kept silent, you thought that I was someone like yourself; (vs 21)
The whole world? Yes. Summoned them (us) to what? Listen. Follow. Act.

How often do we bring God down to our level? and view Him and His actions on human terms. There is a clear warning here.

The following psalms, 80 and 110, point to the Messiah and fill us with hope for the future.
Let Your hand rest on the one at Your right side, the one whom you have made strong for Your service. (Psalm 80:17)
Sit at my right hand, and I shall make your enemies your footstool. (Psalm 110:1 cf Matt 22:42-45)
You are a priest for ever, a Melchizedek in My service. (Psalm 110:4 cf Heb 7:17)
Oh, Beloved, these verses stir my soul and ignite my anticipation for Advent . . . just a few weeks away!

Truly Jesus is God's answer to our pleas for mercy!

I wonder how often Jesus sang these songs about Himself and wept over the blindness of those who listened.

Let us not be deaf to their message today.


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