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Monday, October 30, 2017

Inspired by . . . Sing to Jesus: Day 30

Continuing the #write31day challenge  . . . you can find the entire series here.

Today's Reading:

Today's Offering:

I hope you've been with me often this month, learning to sing to Jesus. David made it a habit in his life and I hope you are learning to make it a habit in yours.
You have turned my laments into dancing; You have stripped off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that I may sing psalms to You without ceasing. Lord, my God, I shall praise You for ever. (Psalm 30:11-12)
Even the psalms of war and battle we have learned to embrace, if not for their physical truths then for their spiritual ones.

Psalm 90 is a beautiful prayer. It reminds us of our frame (vs 10) and of God's eternal essence that will be with us always. (vs 1-2)

Psalm 150 is a favorite and one easily memorized. What a blessing it would be to be able to chant or sing this psalm softly throughout our days.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Tomorrow is our last day in the psalms. We'll be tackling the longest of the Psalms, 119. I hope you'll come back to celebrate with me.
May the favour of the Lord our God be on us. Establish for us all that we do, establish it firmly.


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