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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Inspired by . . . Life thru My Lens 3:52

Some of you know that I'm not a native Texan. It seems strange to type those words because, well, moving to Texas felt like coming home. I won't say I'll never leave, only God knows that, but I truly love it here.

Prior to moving to Texas, I lived in Arizona for nearly twenty years. If you've never been to Arizona you're probably thinking hot, dry, desert. You'd be right.

And you'd be wrong.

Arizona is an incredibly beautiful and diverse state. In fact, AZ Highways once did an issue that featured places in Arizona that compared to every state in the country. Even Alaska! From sand dunes to ski mountains, Arizona has it all. Well, everything except oceanfront property, as one famous Texan reminds us!

One of Arizona's hidden gems are her lakes. Saguaro Lake, just north of Fountain Hills and northeast of Scottsdale is one of my favorites. Formed in 1930 by the Stewart Mountain Dam, Saguaro Lake is the fourth reservoir on the Salt River. With 22 miles of shoreline, there is a lot to see an enjoy!

My Dreamer and I took the Desert Belle cruise and tour when we were there this past November. It's a well-run, narrated tour and highly recommended.

Desert Belle

Heading into the canyon

Big Horn Sheep - I spotted them too late to get a good picture.

Various waterfowl. American Coot, Clark's Grebe, and Ring-necked Duck were a few I could identify.
Rare, cristate or crested Saguaro

The majestic Four Peaks

Web formation on the canyon walls caused by cooling strands of lava.

Saguaro Cacti

The yellow is lichen on the rock surface.

As well pulled back into dock we sensed we were being watched. We finally spotted a droid hovering just off the side of the boat. Upon exiting we found the operator standing on the dock. It was a little unnerving to realize we were being filmed. In truth, there are few public places where we are not being filmed these days. You learn to get used to it, if not accept it. But having a teenager film you in a completely natural (as in, out in nature) setting seemed a bit intrusive. I suspect we'll be seeing more and more of these droids in the not so distant future.

What are you seeing through your lens this week?


Sharing inspiration here:
Nature Notes, Through My LensBird D’pot,
Saturday’s Critters, Life thru the Lens,
Wild Bird WednesdayOur World Tuesday,
Community Global, Photo Friday, Little Things Thursday

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