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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Inspired by... Noel {Inspiration #6}



We had our Women's Ministry Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange last night.  Fun, fun! Here's what I brought...



They're called Almendrados and (as you might guess) they are a Spanish almond cookie. If you have (or are) Gluten Free – Dairy Free friends, these are perfect! And very easy to make. Don't let the words food processor scare you away.




Click on the recipe card above to download your own!


What's your favorite kind of cookie to bake for the holidays?








Sharing Inspiration here:

Nap-Time Creations Photobucket


  1. Those look yummy...and do I have to pick a favorite??? I like Christmas yummies.. :)

  2. They look delicious. Perfect! Those look fantastic and the best combination of flavors! Come visit us. We have some terrific recipes this week. Pretzel Heath Bark and be sure to register to win our party dress giveaway. Today is the last day! Look for the Shabby Apple post.


If you read something here that inspired you, I’d love to hear about it. Please know I appreciate every comment! Thanks so much for stopping by! Blessings, June